Monday, September 24, 2012

PIO-Journalist Social at the Springs Preserve

NAHJ-Nevada wants to send a big thank all those who joined us for a PIO-journalist social at the Springs Preserve Monday, Sept. 24. Nearly 40 people came for an evening of networking and discussing how public agency spokespeople and journalists can work together more effectively.

Attendees included PIOs from
- Clark County
- City of Las Vegas
- North Las Vegas Fire Department 
- Mesquite Police
- Nevada Highway Patrol
- Nevada Department of Corrections
- Nevada Department of Transportation
- Clark County School District
- Bureau of Reclamation
- Southern Nevada Water District

... and reporters from 
- KTNV Channel 13
- KSNV Channel 3
- Univision Channel 15
- Las Vegas Review-Journal
- El Tiempo newspaper
- El Mundo newspaper
- Associated Press

We hope to to host similar mixers in the future. If you couldn't come this time, we hope to see you at our next event! For updates and group news, please follow us on Twitter (@NAHJNevada) or like us on Facebook.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Recap: Informational Meeting at Univision Nevada Studio

By Luz Gray

Our informational meeting at the Noticias Univision Nevada studios on Sept. 10 was a great experience. We not only had the opportunity to meet more colleagues, but also exchanged ideas that no doubt will help consolidate our group little by little.

Michelle Rindels, NAHJ - Nevada President and an Associated Press reporter, introduced our leadership team, talked about the general purpose of the national organization, the history of Nevada chapter, and our goals and plans for future events. She also explained about the role of Marco Villarreal, our secretary/ treasurer and reporter for Channel 13 Action News.

Annette Raveneau, our publicity coordinator and communications director at Know Your Care Nevada, spoke about our founder, Associated Press reporter Cristina Silva. She recapped “The Language of Immigration” panel we hosted a few months ago at the Mexican Consulate and  the “Night at the Museum” with Jon Ralston event we had at the Hispanic Museum of Nevada in the Boulevard Mall on July.

Noticias Univision Nevada Reporter and NAHJ Graphic Designer Eden Soto Alva shared some details about the UNITY convention held at Mandalay Bay resort in August.

One of our more exciting upcoming events is a PIO-Journalist Social we will have on Sept. 24 at Springs Preserve. Michelle Booth, our recruitment officer and a PR associate at Ramirez Group, explained how important it is for us to host this type of event, since it's the first time in recent memory something like this has happened in Las Vegas.

“We are taking advantage of Facebook and Twitter. Our community needs to know who we are what we do and a little bit more of who is behind those stories they read, see or listen to,” said Journalist Luz Gray, who handles NAHJ - Nevada's social media and is production manager at Univision Radio Las Vegas.

Our vice president and El Tiempo Editor Hernando Amaya detailed the process of how to join our national organization, reviewed the types of memberships and emphasized the importance of being part of our local group.

Everybody contributed ideas and suggestions for the future of NAHJ - Nevada during our informational meeting. Most importantly, we all agreed on the importance of encouraging our colleagues in Spanish media to join our group.

It's very easy to become a member, and the national organization has temporarily reduced the price of joining to $50 per year (it was $75). Sign up today:

1. Go to
2. Click on the words "Join/Renew"
3. Click "Create Account" and follow the directions.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Member of the Week

Marco Villarreal

1. Where do you currently work and what's your role there?
I am a reporter at Channel 13 Action News KTNV.

2. When did you come to Las Vegas? Where were you before? Where did you go to school?
I came to Las Vegas in February of 2010. I moved here from the state capitol of Florida, Tallahassee. I studied Broadcast Journalism at Brigham Young University.

3. What's your dream job or big career goal?
I suppose ultimately I would like to one day work for a network. I know that sounds cliché, but I feel that is one of the few places that still allow for journalists to travel the world, tell new and exciting stories, and document history. I would like to know that I can play with the “big boys.” I would like to end up in a community that allows me to tell their stories and serve them.

4. Tell us a little about your ethnic background.
I grew up in a home diverse in culture. My dad was from Argentina, and my mom from Mexico. I also grew up in the USA. I like to say that I am half Argentine, half Mexican, and 100% All American! Thanksgiving was fun at my house. Usually on our table we had the traditional turkey and stuffing, along with tortillas, frijoles, arroz, and for dessert pan dulce con un mate cocido. (hot Argentine herbal type tea)

5. What inspired you to become a journalist?
Growing up there was two truths in my house; the scriptures and the news. My mother always taught us to believe in God and listen to the weather forecaster. The news was always on with Jorge Ramos taking us on a trip around the world, showing us pictures and introducing us to people I would never meet. The only time the news was not on was Saturday, but that’s because we were all watching Don Francisco! When I was in college someone mentioned that Spanish language media was the only market still growing strong. I wanted to use my Spanish and for the first time thought that I might do what I had seen so many reporters do growing up. I began studying that profession, enjoyed it, and it turned out I was decent at something for the first time in my life besides goofing off!

6. What is the most difficult story you've had to cover? What did you learn from the experience?
I think the toughest story I have had to cover is the economy here in Las Vegas. I never realized how bad the recession hit until I moved here. For the first six months I felt so guilty when I spoke with families losing their homes because mom and dad couldn’t find a job. I truly thought I had taken the last job in Southern Nevada. I have had to do stories that break down why the banks won’t do more to help people losing their homes. I have had to talk to people who learned the hard way the consequences that come from living outside your means, and others who did nothing wrong; they were just a casualty of a bad economy. I never saw Las Vegas in all it’s glory 5to 7 years ago when “everything people touched turned to gold.” I’m glad I didn’t. I think it would have made it even harder to see the suffering in our community.

7. Of all the stories you've covered, which is your favorite and why?
I think one of my favorite stories is that of Rosie the Riveter here in Las Vegas. I met a lady who sews blankets for a local charity. She spends hours putting these blankets together so that other’s in her community can have something that was made with love. This woman is close to 90-years-old and says she got her spirit of service from her time as a Rosie the Riveter. She used to work in a factory that put planes together during World War II. Ever since then she volunteered her time at hospitals, and to her local community. Even at her age she had more energy, spirit, and positivity than anyone I’ve ever met. After our interview with her she made sure my photographer and I did not leave with out giving her a hug and leaving with some of her homemade jam.

8. If you could interview any person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I plead the 5th on this one. Like I explained above, sometimes the best interviews come from the people you least expect and are often overlooked.

9. What do you see as the biggest challenge facing journalism or PR today?
Sensationalism and close mindedness. We live in a world where we all fight to capture the attention of viewers and readers. By hoping to shock people and grab their attention, we lose those who are focused and waiting for knowledge of the world around them. By going after the outrageous stories or people, the scandals and crimes, we forget to bring people the information they need to shape the community they live in. I also believe we live in a time where people don’t want to hear the facts and make up their minds. People have already made up their minds and only want to hear what appeases them. I think it is sad when we tell people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear.

10. Why did you join NAHJ Nevada and what do you hope to get out of it? I enjoy NAHJ because it allows me to communicate with other journalists and media professionals. It’s good for morale, for networking, and for the delicious food and music that is prevalent at many of our meetings!

11. If you were going to introduce us to the most important people in your life, who would they be?
My family. I would not be where I am without their support and love. Oh, and my dog Jimmer. He always wants to meet new people. J

12. Tell us a fun fact we probably don't know about you.
I am a Grammy Award winner…sort of. My senior year of high school the choir I was in won a Grammy. That counts right?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Breakfast at Hash House A Go Go

At our breakfast meeting at Hash House A Go Go, we made plans for our PIO/Journalist Social on Sept. 24, and started the wheels turning for a new project -- a political candidates' forum focused on issues important to the Hispanic community. Stay tuned as we hammer out the details!